Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have been feeling way too deeply lately.

India changed me. Support raising has changed me.
God has relentlessly exposed my heart, destroyed my “dreams”, and pursued my devotion.

This is all so fascinating. I never thought I would desire to do the hard things. I never thought I would actually choose to put my all into making disciples. But props to you, God.. apparently you can capture the most preoccupied of hearts.

Now I will eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Sunday, April 4, 2010


Tomorrow I will be 20. I would like to give a special shout out to my mom...

thanks for giving birth to me, mom - you're a real champ!


Do you ever feel scrambled?

Do you ever wonder if you've been obedient enough?

Do you ever wish that you hadn't waited until the last minute to start your Senior paper???

How does this sound for my title?:

The American Christian: Espousing a Political Ethic Permeated by the Radical teachings of Christ

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Once upon a time there was a young caterpillar who loved to be alive but knew very little about how to live.
One day he noticed all of his friends making cocoons -
so he made one too and got inside of it.
finally the day came for him to emerge & fly off into the sunset.
He wiggled his way out
and fell to the ground
looking very much like the same caterpillar
he had always been.

i am a caterpillar.
Cbu is my cocoon.
Is two years long enough to grow wings?
Maybe I should buy a jet pack.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today ethan taught me how to throw a frisbee well.
I stepped on a thorn.

If the paper I just wrote could speak it would say,
“I don’t feel good about myself.”

Also I ran a marathon.
very s l o w l y . . .

Here is a list of things that no longer give me satisfaction:
1) TV
2) Movies
3) Nutella (or dessert in general)
4) Talking about people
5) Getting A's
6) Flirting
8) Sleeping in

very little matters when held up to Christ.

and yet, at the same time, so much matters when held up to Christ. Ya know?

Saturday, September 6, 2008


sometimes i think i use too many words to say too many things that don't matter.

anyways, i feel really good about this place.